Be Slim & Stay Slim
Slimming is worth the effort. You feel healthier, increase your chances of longevity and also look & feel attractive. Organize your day and keep yourself busy so that you don’t lounge about the house constantly fixing yourself with snacks. It is an excellent idea to either:
- Stick to do any two of the below, once a week.
- Fast completely one day a week.
- Fix one day a week, when you will only take liquids.
- Fix one day a week, when you will only take fruits and vegetables, or food that matters anything in natural form.
- Health is Wealth, preserve it by following small tips.
- Drink a glass of warm water with a table spoon of lemon juice daily in the morning.
- Reduce the amount of sugar consumed.
- Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates.
- Exercise 10 minutes regularly.
- Avoid smoking.
- Drink atleast 8 - 10 glasses of water daily.
- Drink a glass of seasonal fruit juice daily.
- Keep fat at minimum, especially saturated fats.
- Limit salt intake.
- Reduce the cholesterol intake, especially like ghee, fresh creams, cheese etc.
- Take a sound sleep.
- Drink a glass of warm milk 30 minutes before going to bed at night.
- Avoid processed and preserved food, instead eat more fresh and natural foods.
- Remember that the regular care and routine pays rich dividends.
- Avoid the sun.
- Cleanse your face twice a day with the product suitable to you.
- Use a facemask once a week.
- Drink warm water after every 30 minutes of each meal.
- Use skim milk & skim milk products to restrict fat intake.
- For white collars executive.
- Miss one major meal, office goers can have a glass of juice or a sandwich rather than a regular lunch.
- For Home makers.
- Take one meal boiled. The idea behind this diet is that, when no fat is eaten, body fat is churned to convert the protein into blood. Hence, the more proteins you eat, the slimmer you get.
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